
Showing posts from October, 2019


What an interesting way to learn about caring for animals.  We met some animals that many of us had not seen or handled before as well as our usual pets. We already knew that animals need food and water. We also discovered that they need shelter, exercise and friends. We were happy to be their friends for a brief moment in time. Sometimes when we were grooming the guinea pigs it was hard to tell which end was which...that reminded us of a reading book that many of us have read called "Just one Guinea Pig". We set up all the things the mice would need in their habitat to keep them healthy and happy. Then we all laid on our tummies quietly and watched 'mouse t.v.' as they played in the environment we had set up for them.

Welcome Back to Term 4

  Year 2 Newsletter     Term 4  2019 Thursday 17th October 2019 Dear Parents and Caregivers, It is lovely to see everyone back after the holidays and ready for another busy term. We have some terrific learning experiences planned, and the calendar is looking exciting already!  In our Inquiry, ‘We Care’, we will be focused on learning about wellbeing. Initially we will be developing the children’s understanding of the needs of animals and how to provide care for small animals. We will then draw the connection to our own needs and wellbeing. The children will investigate how to maintain a healthy body and mind. They will demonstrate their learning by creating a ‘pet rock’ and habitat; describing its needs and how they plan to care for it. We will have the Life Education mobile classroom visiting later in the term to complement our learning. Go to for more information on the Life Education programme. ...