
Showing posts from February, 2019

Buddy Class

Today we met our buddy class for the first time. We are fortunate to be buddied up with a Year 8 class the senior leaders of our school. Today we just introduced ourselves and found out a little bit about each other. We will keep the same buddies for a few weeks so we get to know each other a little bit. I wonder how many of us will remember each other's names by next week?? We read a reading book to our big buddies then we shared our ideas of what it was to be a 'bucket filler.' We made a star or a heart to say what we could do to be a bucket filler in our class. Now we are making connections with older students we will recognise in the playground. They can help us if we have a problem. We can say "hello" to them when we see them on Road Patrol or in the Library. Our buddy might even be a world-famous presenter on MVTV and we will know who they are! Thanks for coming to visit us Miss Erceg and FLS How very cool ...

Chinese New Year

We had fun learning about  New Year celebrations in the Chinese culture. One of the activities was making a Chinese dragon. It involved colouring, cutting, lots of folding and attaching a pair of dragon leg handles. Of course, most of the dragons went home with the children but fortunately, a couple wanted  to stay at school for a while to go with our New Year display. We also have lots of lovely pink pigs and learnt to draw pigs with a very catchy little song because of course, this is the Year of the Pig.

Having fun in the Gym

Every Friday we have fun in the gym with our Room 5 neighbours and of course I always forget to take photos! Finally here are some of us practising our large ball skills of throwing, catching and placing and believe me we need lots more if you have a spare moment at the weekend or after tea grab a ball and do some throwing, catching, passing, dribbling with your child, I'm sure you'll both enjoy it!

Welcome to 2019

Welcome to Room 6 2019 It's been a mission to try and get a photo when everyone is here... we may, or may not have succeeded! We have 26 students in our class this year and welcome two new students and their families into our school. Here we are doing some of our first Year 2 story writing. We've also had lots of opportunities to be creative and make things during our Reading, Inquiry or Art time. What a super bunch of students we have in our class!