Buddy Class
Today we met our buddy class for the first time. We are fortunate to be buddied up with a Year 8 class the senior leaders of our school. Today we just introduced ourselves and found out a little bit about each other. We will keep the same buddies for a few weeks so we get to know each other a little bit. I wonder how many of us will remember each other's names by next week?? We read a reading book to our big buddies then we shared our ideas of what it was to be a 'bucket filler.' We made a star or a heart to say what we could do to be a bucket filler in our class. Now we are making connections with older students we will recognise in the playground. They can help us if we have a problem. We can say "hello" to them when we see them on Road Patrol or in the Library. Our buddy might even be a world-famous presenter on MVTV and we will know who they are! Thanks for coming to visit us Miss Erceg and FLS How very cool ...